Your Guide to a Smooth Start

As we prepare to welcome you and your employees to your new retirement plan experience, refer to this timeline for key milestones, action steps, and links to important documents. Your installation contact will partner with you throughout your plan's onboarding and will email you any materials that are customized to your plan.

Onboarding Timeline

Step 1

Notify your prior recordkeeper

As soon as you notify your prior recordkeeper of your intent to change providers, we can contact them to obtain the instructions needed to complete the transfer.

  • As soon as possible, complete and email this letter to your prior recordkeeper, with us copied on the email Prior Recordkeeper Letter

Step 2

Join a call with us

The purpose of this call is to:

  • Review any outstanding items from the plan design phase, and any changes in available investment options since you made your investment choices
  • Orient you to the next phase of onboarding and the cadence of tasks and communications you can expect

Step 3

Register for your plan website

Your plan website is where you'll handle ongoing administration of your plan.

  • Following the initial call, you’ll receive an email from Bell Bank Support ( with a link to register your account. Please register your account within 72 hours of receiving the link, otherwise the link will expire.

Step 4

Confirm information from prior recordkeeper

We work with your prior recordkeeper to assist in obtaining instructions for the transition to us, and also confirms the transition timeline.

  • We will explain what's needed from you during this step, including any paperwork that's required for the transfer.

Step 5

Share employee census information with us

We will explain which employee census information is required and how to provide it.

  • Add all necessary data using the Census Template.
    • Be sure to include employee workplace email addresses. This assists us with delivering plan-related communications to your employees.
    • For details on the requested information, refer to the Census Instructions.
    • If your plan is using actual hours to track eligibility, this flyer provides helpful information on Secure 2.0 Long Term Part Time (LTPT) provisions.
  • Send this sensitive data via our secure messaging system. 
    • Following your initial call, we will send you an email from this system; to access it, you'll need to set up an account.
    • Once logged in, reply to our email with the files and it will be secure.

Step 6

Share plan notices with employees

We're generating everything you’ll need to share required disclosures and notices with your employees.

  • We will send you instruction for accessing and, if applicable, delivering them to all active employees and terminated employees with a balance.

Step 7

Sign plan documents

We're preparing all the transition-related plan documents and agreements you need to review and sign.

  • We will let you know when they're ready to review, and you'll receive an email from Document Delivery (Sertifi), our electronic signature site, that will include a link to access the documents.
  • We will also deliver additional agreements or documents required for any optional services selected for your plan.

Step 8

Convert your employees to your new plan

Your employees are "mapping" to us (no re-enrollment needed) or re-enrolling in the plan, depending on the conversion method you selected.

We will request deferral and fund election information for all participants transitioning to Ascensus, according to the fund mapping strategy you chose.

  • Complete the template, including current deferral data to be mapped over, that your IC will send to you via email.
  • Share this Participant Onboarding Page (Mapping) with your employees so they know what to expect.
  • Please note: Beneficiary information does not transfer from your previous plan. Your employees will need to assign beneficiaries once the plan is live.

Your employees can begin to join the plan.

  • We will email digital enrollment guides for you to send to your employees.
  • Employees will have two weeks to enroll before the enrollment window closes in advance of your first payroll submission. This is a great time to make sure your employees assign their beneficiary(ies).
  • Share this Participant Onboarding Page (Re-enroll) with your employees so they know what to expect.

Step 9

Join a call with your payroll consultant

During this call, your dedicated payroll consultant reviews everything you need to know to get set up for payroll and can assist you in choosing your submission method.

  • Before the call, your coordinator will send you an Automated Clearing House (ACH) agreement via DocuSign. Please fill it out and include the banking details used to debit and fund the plan.

Step 10

Begin blackout period for final asset and record transfer

During the blackout phase, no changes or transactions will be accepted from your prior recordkeeper while they transfer assets and records to Bell Bank with Ascensus providing the recordkeeping platform. Once all assets and reports are received, we’ll reconcile and prepare them for investment.

Step 11

Go Live

Your plan installation is complete and the plan is officially live! Your employees can access the employee website, READYSAVETM mobile app, and Participant Services.

  • We notify you and provide you with flyers to share with participants to announce the plan is live and remind them how to access their account online.

Step 12

Meet your Ascensus Client Service Team

Your Ascensus Client Service Team, who will support you in the day-to-day operations of your plan going forward, contacts you for introductions and a demonstration of your plan website.

Step 13

Submit your first payroll

Your payroll consultant contacts you when it's time to make your first payroll submission and can walk you through it if you need any assistance.

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